
Showing posts from 2011


I just join another group called Gluebooks. It's really fun and simple. There are prompts everyday and all you do is glue paper/magazine/whatever into your gluebook. It's a great warm up and really gets your juices flowing. Plus it get you working everyday on some sort of collage. I think I'm actually getting my stash more organized just looking through my paper/magazine/whatever box. Here are two new pages from June 1st, Red and June 2nd, Yellow. I'm using a small notebook (5X7)that has natural brown bag paper cover with stamped Butterflies and Blades of Grass with a Burlap Spine.

New Work

It's been a long while since I last posted. I have been growing a lot, in terms of learning who I am. I started Caspiana up again. That is Sarah Whitmire’s website of 22 free soul journaling prompts. After day 10 I was emotionally blocked and couldn’t move forward. I had to put it down! It took me about 8 months to get moving again. Since then I've remembered a few extremely significant segments of my life that were once, "Black Holes", areas where there was nothing; no memories, no visions, no feelings. To my surprise those areas were completely unavailable to me. These segments should have been filled with lots of “normal” memories, “normal” visions and “normal” feelings; they should have been brimming full segments of a remembered childhood. But instead I couldn’t see or feel anything. I’ve been doing Life Makeovers; (the book) 52 Practical and Inspiring Ways to Improve Your Life One Week at a Time by Cheryl Richardson , and finally something (still un

More on Off on My Own

This little booklet has a lot more pages that are complete but I haven't been inclined to upload all the images or even blog about it. So today I'll just show a few more pages and finish up later with the remaining pages at a later date. I couldn't resist this cute little guy and the phrase "March to the beat of a different drummer..." just rang in my ears. I sometimes feel as if I am marching differently than everyone else. This page says, "Lucky You" and when you open up the flap it shows my birth date. Lucky you with the flap down. I'm finding that the best thing for me to do is "Just Be". I just realized that this photo is missing something! I've added three little bees to the bottom of this page....will have to find that photo because the bees really work with this page!

Off on my own

It's been awhile since I posted...lots going on! Mostly just life. Anyway, I got off on a tangent thinking about the real me. I found that I have spent most of my life trying to please others and take on much more than I should have. So trying to slow down and figure out what was real for me took some doing. I say that like I've solved some great problem but really I'm still just wondering. In the meanwhile I started a little booklet to visualize my thoughts. The "booklet" is made from separate sheets of watercolor paper that I have painted, collaged and stapled together. Don't know where it will end and I haven't worked on it for awhile so I thought I would share some of the pages with you now while there is a pause. This is the first page so far. Who's shoes am I trying to fill, and who am I anyway? As I step down deeper I think I can hear a little voice. The little birdie is on a brad and swivels up to reveal it's message to me. One