More from December

Just two for now. I will be working a 72 hour shift starting in the morning and need to get some rest! It's amazing how many hours you can rack up during the holiday season. This first spread is all about envelopes! Yes envelopes. I love envelopes for some reason. I think they're very special because they can hold all kinds of suprises, like the keys to wonderful treasure, maps that mark the spot to untold monies and other valuable things. They can carry good news and bad news. Your cute little paycheck that you worked hard for or endless bills that you think now you should have known better. But all my envelopes have gone to the dogs because all I ever get are bills and an occasional paycheck. Thank the gods for email! The second spread is a prompt from Sarah Whitmire's twitter prompts. The first prompt asks us to use a card in the spread, of course I love the joker! I wanted to try a new color combination and ende...