My sister, Penina Ava Taesali and I have collaborated again on another book of political poetry!! It's a little chapbook but so full of power!!! I hadn't talked to my sister for a few months and one day she called me. We talked a bit to catch up but then she asked if I knew someone who would be willing to illustrate her new book of poetry called Summons: Love Letters To The People. Since I illustrated her first book I thought I would be the likely candidate. However, the book required only black and white illustrations! I was shocked because I had just finished a series called Black and White in a Country Divided. The series has 25 pieces, both on canvas and paper, Mixed Media and Collage. This little book came together as if it had a life of it's own. It birthed itself March 29, 2018. The editor faded the front and back covers to allow for the printing to show up but the inside illustrations are as they appear in life. It is available f...