Black and White

I created this blog as a place for me to post my art as it develops. A chronicle of development, sound ominous. It's a little scary, well a lot scary, but I don't know why. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get over it.
So here is the first peice, entitled Black and White. It's a series of new techniques that I learned just this week. It was inspired by Kathyrn Antyr, collagediva of True North Arts when I read her post on Facebook about the Marsha Beck's workshop on her book, The Joy Diet. I guess they are working on chapter #4.
I learned the lettering techniques from Nicolette Anderson , and that was just from a sample she sent me. I will be taking some or all of her online classes especially since they are only $20.00 per class.
And the colors came from a challenge with Michelle Ward at GPP Street Team: Crusade #34.
I had a lot of fun creating this page for my art journal!
see ya around. Rae Ann
Rae're right I am having fun. Glo...Thanks so much.