Black and White

I created this blog as a place for me to post my art as it develops. A chronicle of development, sound ominous. It's a little scary, well a lot scary, but I don't know why. Anyway, I'm sure I'll get over it.

So here is the first peice, entitled Black and White. It's a series of new techniques that I learned just this week. It was inspired by Kathyrn Antyr, collagediva of True North Arts when I read her post on Facebook about the Marsha Beck's workshop on her book, The Joy Diet. I guess they are working on chapter #4.

I learned the lettering techniques from Nicolette Anderson , and that was just from a sample she sent me. I will be taking some or all of her online classes especially since they are only $20.00 per class.

And the colors came from a challenge with Michelle Ward at GPP Street Team: Crusade #34.
I had a lot of fun creating this page for my art journal!


Anonymous said…
You are having way to much fun. you go girl!!!!!
see ya around. Rae Ann
Anonymous said…
Wow, that's just beautiful!

Anonymous said…
I'm really impressed with your art, its just beautiful. Love to you, Judy
Eloise Taesali said…
Thanks everybody!
Rae're right I am having fun. Glo...Thanks so much.

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