Off on my own

It's been awhile since I posted...lots going on! Mostly just life. Anyway, I got off on a tangent thinking about the real me. I found that I have spent most of my life trying to please others and take on much more than I should have. So trying to slow down and figure out what was real for me took some doing. I say that like I've solved some great problem but really I'm still just wondering. In the meanwhile I started a little booklet to visualize my thoughts. The "booklet" is made from separate sheets of watercolor paper that I have painted, collaged and stapled together. Don't know where it will end and I haven't worked on it for awhile so I thought I would share some of the pages with you now while there is a pause. This is the first page so far. Who's shoes am I trying to fill, and who am I anyway? As I step down deeper I think I can hear a little voice. The little birdie is on a brad and swivels up to reveal it's message to me. One...