Off on my own

It's been awhile since I posted...lots going on! Mostly just life. Anyway, I got off on a tangent thinking about the real me. I found that I have spent most of my life trying to please others and take on much more than I should have. So trying to slow down and figure out what was real for me took some doing. I say that like I've solved some great problem but really I'm still just wondering. In the meanwhile I started a little booklet to visualize my thoughts. The "booklet" is made from separate sheets of watercolor paper that I have painted, collaged and stapled together. Don't know where it will end and I haven't worked on it for awhile so I thought I would share some of the pages with you now while there is a pause.

This is the first page so far. Who's shoes am I trying to fill, and who am I anyway?

As I step down deeper I think I can hear a little voice.

The little birdie is on a brad and swivels up to reveal it's message to me. One thing I know for sure is that I NEED to follow what has heart and meaning.


Heather Gordy said…
Thank you for sharing. You're definitely on the path of heart and meaning. There's substance here.
thanks for stopping by my blog! Enjoy your journey and 'waking up to your inner voice'.
Unknown said…
Very moving Ellie! Thank you for sharing this. I like the feeling of the doorways in "Am I real" the exploration of the "I am" and the promise and possibilities of welcoming one home with the handshake. Love this one.

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