Acrylics So Far!

I'm so lucky to have a fabulous teacher! She is so learned on the subject of painting with acrylics and oils. I swear she knows EVERYTHING!!

I've have so many realizations in her class and am really enjoying the many challenges she offers.  Here is some stuff so far.

This is where we started after creating a grey scale then a scale in umber.
A monochrome painting.

Then we set up for a Blue and Orange Painting


Here I'm formulating the idea.  It really doesn't look like much.

This is not the final painting.  Haven't taken a photo of the final but the shadow is much better.


We also did scales for Blue and Orange. Then we did a full on Color Wheel.

Next we moved on to Red and Green or Yellow and Violet.  I was still working on my scales for Yellow and Violet so this was all that was left in the props box.  So I got Yellow and Violet.

Then the fun started with introducing Glazing Medium.  So we played with glazing medium on our monochrome paintings.

Just when I felt like I was building a little confidence. She introduced Gel Medium.  I really like the gel medium because it allows for blending on the canvas but has a totally different feel on the brush and will take some getting used to. 

Then finally we used Gel Medium and painted exclusively with paint knifes!  Way different feel but a whole lot of fun!! 

Any way I'm loving life right now and learning so much.  My creativity is taking off and I do have other things that I have been working on to show you. So I will sign off for now.



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