These bits and pieces are so cute!  

I've been thinking about making "One Word Meditation" cards for a while and I think the composition of these would work out really well for that.  

They sort of remind me of those perfectly serene Japanese Zen gardens

These rock gardens are said to be created so that no matter where you sit you cannot see all of the boulders and so goes the meditation.

Of course, my cards are outrageously imperfect, as a matter of fact they are downright wild!  Each card will come with a relating splash of collage paper on the flap of the envelope. 

Here are some with words just for fun but they are not the One Word Meditations words I will be using.  I'm still working out the aesthetics on how I want to display and attach them.

Next in line are Valentine Cards which I think will look great with a wonky kind of heart.

Anyway, Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful and safe New Year's Eve.


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